
Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Valentine to Heidi

Happy Valentine's Day! I wanted to share with you these pictures of how my daughter Heidi decorated her house for the holiday. It was so pretty!

She made this banner in an afternoon with materials she had on hand. So cute!

So simple but so effective.

She made these roses out of tissue paper...beautiful!

She had these fun little vignettes all over her house.

Click on this pic to see the detail on this. I loved it.

I made these two boxes a few years ago and she saved them. Since they were meant to look a bit shabby, the age hasn't hurt them.

Look at this little cake! This was a Valentine gift from Heidi to Gary and I . Is that the cutest cake you've ever seen?  I hope your day was sweet as well. See you again soon. Love, Derrith